Plumbing finished…

Well nearly… The pipes from the pool and into the technical room have now been connected and the remainder of the plumbing within the technical room completed. This work included the installation of the other two pumps and the filter cartridge unit. We opted for a cartridge system, as we…

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Odd jobs done…

A number of different things have been achieved today. First of all, digger was back to level some of the spoil that was extracted from the pool. Now we have a height off the slab, we know the final patio level. We are probably going to put AstroTurf down next…

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Plumbing day…

Taking advantage of a the good weather and the longer evening before the clocks go back, I prepared all of the plumbing which is to be buried when it comes to back filling. This is not all of the plumbing, as some of it will be above the natural ground…

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