Feature wall finished!

Test installation of the firepit in top void of the wall is successful. It was a little windy and too light to get the full effect in the photo, but is going to be great at night!

Next up was to finished the pointing of the stone tiles on the wall. We did this over two days, a couple of hours each day – largely because it requires a lot of forearm strength! The mortar is mixed and put into a ‘piping bag’ and piped into the gaps between the tiles. As it starts to go off a stiff brush is used to remove any excess and get the mortar flush with the tiles. A soft brush is then used to remove the brush marks from the stiff brush.

These two photos show the colour when the pointing was just done and also when it has dried in (two sides of wall in photo below is colour when dried)

Great colour match to the waterfall and really pleased with end result.

Leave it about 24 hours or so to dry out and then a waterproofing agent is sprayed on top to help seal the tiles and mortar.

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