Last course (for now)

The final course for this phase of the build was installed today. This course sees the incorporate of a number of the wall ‘pass throughs’ for the three LED projectors (closest wall) and two inlets (left hand end).

The photo above shows the back of the ‘through wall’ conduits for the LED projectors, which I have made wooden plates for to anchor them and to stop any concrete from escaping any gaps when it is poured.

The wall at the shallow end (photo below) was cut on one side, as this will connect with the shallow beach area of the pool. The slab for the beach will be poured later on, but will in join structurally with the wall shown below, so has been cut down on one site, so that a crisper edge and smooth surface can be achieved.

The photo to the left is a better view of the wooden plates that anchor the ‘through wall’ connectors and stop any concrete from escaping any gaps when it is poured.

Next job is the put in the vertical steels.

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