Backfilling for pool terrace…

52 tonnes of hardcore was delivered to backfill around the pool to bring the level of the pool terrace up to required height. Thankfully we have mechanical assistance and the hand to eye co-ordination of a teenager! PVC drains have been laid within the hardcore, which will take the water…

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Terrace work update…

Raised terraces are now complete, with the exception of the tiles which will be done at a later date, along with the pool deck level patio. The steps rise up to a higher level terrace, with dinning area in the middle, which will be enclosed with a glass balustrade. Currently…

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More progress on terrace…

Some more photos showing the progress being made by the team on the terracing. There are now five courses of blocks installed, so I now assume the ring beam will be the next to be installed, which will also be used to tie into the slabs.

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Terrace Blockwork…

More photos as the blockwork progresses on training walls for the terracing area around the pool. The photo below shows the ‘planter’ at the far end of the run of blocks which will adjoin the steps from the top terrace down to the pool level. The following photo shows what…

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